Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Views on Religion in Schools

Alfreda C. Davis November 20, 2007
My Views On Religion In Schools

When it comes to religion, I do believe in God. Some people do not believe in him, and that is their opinion. I personally do not think that anyone should not believe in God, but then again who am I to judge someone else for their mistakes or their beliefs. In this essay I will tell you what I think about religion being taught in schools, and why I feel the way I feel about my opinion.

I personally do not think that religion should be taught in schools, because it causes too much conflict in the classroom and between people. Even though people have friends who are not of the same religion as they are does not make it ok to talk about one another’s religion. In fact a lot of friends of different religions who start to talk about their religions wind up getting into heated debates which leads into them no longer being friends. So when you mix religion into a classroom, where there are more than just two people discussing this issue then it can result into fights and or riots over who religion is the best and whose it the worse. A lot of people have misconceptions of other people’s religion, which makes other people upset and angry. I have been in a situation where religion wasn’t being taught in the classroom, it just came up because of a lesson and it wound up becoming a heated debate then argument over whose belief was better.

Religion is such a heated topic these days that in Dover, Pennsylvania, there was a court case involving this exact issue. The case was about whether or not Evolution and Intelligent Design being taught in schools. The case was filed as, Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District. That court case ended with people being very upset about the outcome, which resulted in, death threats to the judge and his family members. Another court case involving religion was, about prayer in schools. That court case is known as Lee v. Weisman. This was taken to court when a Jewish parent attended his childs graduation and the speaker started to say things in his commencement speech that did not sit well with the parent. In the end, the courts did not think that any amendments were being violated. There have been other cases involving issues like these ones. These were just two that I found very interesting.

To me this supports and proves my point of why there should be no religion taught in schools. I personally have no problem with religion; I myself go to church and have my own thoughts. I am not one of the people who like to argue about religion, because it offends other people and I see no point to it, because everyone is going to believe what they want to believe. Others, in my opinion that are not like me may feel differently about fighting for their religion. So in the end to stay away from these sorts of problems, I think that religion should not be taught in schools.

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