Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Annotated Bibliography

American History Annotated Bibliography

1. Kennedy, David, and Cohen, Lizabeth. The American Pageant. 13th ed. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. (730-732). The American Pageant gives me information on the problems occurring in ID v. Evolution.

2. Fisher, Ken. "This Week In Evolution v. Intelligent Design." arstechnica. 11/09/2005. 09 Nov 2005 . This source talks about the differences between ID and Evolution from the perspectives of other people.

3. Hart, Diane. History Alive. Student. Palo Alto: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2008. (376-379). History Alive lets me know the history of the debate between ID and evolution.

4. 17 Dec 2007. "Intelligent Design." Wikipedia. .

5. 17 Dec 2007. "Kilmitzer v. Dover Area School District." Wikipedia. .

6. 17 Dec 2007. "Creation Controversy." Wikipedia. .

7. 7 Dec 2007. "John Scopes Monkey Trial." .

8. "Evolution." Wikipedia. 04 Jan 2008. 4 Jan 2008 .

9. "Evolution: Evidence from Living Organisms." 4 Jan 2008 12/evolution/HTML/live.html>.

10. "All about Evolution and Intelligent Design." Live Science. 4 Jan 2008 .

11. "What is Evolution?." All About Science. 4 Jan 2008 .
"Picture." Google. Dec. 2007 .
This was a picture of evolution transforming. It helped with my project, because it showed exactly what people conceive evolution as.

12. Kitzmiller V. Dover: Day 1, AM: Opening Arguments, Kenneth R. Miller." The TalkOrigins Archive. 28 Sept. 2006. Dec. 2007 .
This was the court case where all the questioning took place. This helped with my project, because it showed exactly what happens in a courtroom when involving such a crucial case.

13. Darwin's Theory of Evolution." All About Science. 2002. AllAboutScience.Org. Dec. 2007 .

This was about how even though this theory is so old, it is in crisis and not everyone believes that this is true. This helped, because it shows how no matter how much research, people do not always believe in science they still believe in their beliefs.

14. Carroll, Robert T. "Intelligent Design." Intelligent Design. 2005. Dec. 2007 .

This site gave me what different people wrote about this subject ass well as gave me other sites to look at for more information. This helped, because it showed me how many others thought and it helped me find more information on my topic.

15. Jones, Lawerence. "Evolution, Intelligent Design Debate Hits Flordia Schools/ Christianpost.Com." Christianpost. 10 Dec. 2007. Christian Post Reporter. Dec. 2007 .

This site was about how the battle over these subjects and how it still goes on even in schools. This helped out because it shows that no matter who it is this will follow you anywhere.

16. Chew, Robin. "Charles Darwin Naturalist." Lucidcafe. Feb. 1996. Jan. 2008 .

This was about the life of Charles Darwin and his beliefs on the theory that he created. This helped me, because it helped me see how the person who created the theory thought.

17. "Intelligent Design? a Special Report From Natural History Magazine." Actionbioscience. 2000. Jan. 2008 .

This was site had different views from newspapers as well as others about what was going on with intelligent design. This helped, because once again it showed me other peoples views on this subject matter.

18. "The Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design Controversy." Law.Umkc. Exploring Constitutional Conflicts. Jan. 2008 .

This site helped because it showed me cases as well as gave me insight on what went on with my topic.

19. Moran, Laurence. "What is Evolution?" Talkorigins. 22 Jan. 1993. Jan. 2008 .

This site was about what exactly evolution is. It helped me because it gave me more insight on what exactly evolution consists of.

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